The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Indian Forest service (IFS) Examination for recruitment to the Indian Forest service. This examination is held in accordance with the rules published by the ministry of environment and forests in the Gazette of India. IFS examination is conducted at various centers all over India. The requirement changes every year and number of vacancies are filled based on the results of the examination.
IFS eligibility criteria:
Indian citizens between the ages 21 to 30 years are eligible to take up IFS examination. The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely botany, Chemistry, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Geology, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Zoology. Even a bachelor’s degree in forestry and agriculture are eligible for IFS examination. Candidates shall be permitted four attempts at the examination and candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Indian forest service examination.
IFS Syllabus
IFS examination comprises of a written examination followed by a personal interview. The written test consists of six papers:
Brief IFS Syllabus
IFS Application form
IFS application forms are available in the official website Candidates are required to apply online using the above link. Detailed instructions for filling the application form are available in the website. Candidates should read the eligibility criteria before applying for IFS exam.
IFS examination centers
IFS examination is conducted at various examination centers all over India.
Brief IFS examination centers
IFS preparation books

There are many books which help in preparation. IFS examination is one of the important examinations and thousands of candidates appear every year. This examination needs good preparation and great confidence. IFS preparation books include detailed syllabus, test pattern and solved question papers for reference. Some of the well known IFS preparation books are listed below:
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